JULY 4 2024

Stay Tuned

The AmazingChaos brand has been going on for years starting out on February 22, 2021, making plush content. The second era of the AmazingChaos brand was gaming. The gaming content was mostly a game called Roblox and it still lives on with Roblox streams happening rarely. On March 29, 2023, the first version of what would become Sitherprin’s Tower was uploaded to YouTube. It only lasted 4 episodes before being cancelled to rethink what we want for this new series. On September 5, 2023, Sitherprin’s Tower (DEMO VERSION) was released and was a huge hit reaching 4.2K views. It lasted only 2 episodes before being pulled. All of these productions were pulled for one reason, they never focused on the main story of Sitherprin’s Tower. That is why the full story of Sitherprin’s Tower is being written and finalized as you read this. This marks the new era of AmazingChaos.